Global Governance Innovation
- Governance
- International Institutions
- International Law
This roundtable will discuss the opportunities, strategies, and spoilers for ambitious global governance reform proposals in the current geopolitical climate that is marked by great power tensions and the common challenges ranging from COVID recovery to climate change. The roundtable draws on the Global Governance Innovation Network’s (GGIN) policy brief series, which aims to bridge the research-policy divide in debates on global governance. The session features authors from the first wave of forthcoming GGIN policy briefs, covering topics such as mainstreaming climate in peacebuilding, deepening G20-UN cooperation, new issue-specific Security Councils, and previewing an innovative Global Governance Index. Building on the UN75 Declaration and the Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda (OCA) report, which was published in September 2021, the roundtable participants will address how the UN75 Declaration’s commitments and OCA report’s proposals in the run-up to the proposed September 2023 Summit of the Future can be advanced and how global governance can be reformed more fundamentally, with an emphasis on making it more inclusive, networked, and effective.
- Adriana AbdenurPlataforma CIPÓ (Brazil)In-person
- Vesselin PopovskiO. P. Jindal Global University (India)In-person
- Aisha AlammariQatar University (Qatar)In-person
- Stephen KilleleaInstitute for Economics & Peace (Australia)In-person
- Roger CoateGeorgia College (United States)In-person
- Maiara FollyPlataforma CIPÓ (Brazil)In-person
- Peter StoettOntario Tech University (Canada)Virtual
- Edna Ramirez-RoblesUniversidad de Guadalajara (Mexico)In-person
- Muznah SiddiquiStimson Center (Pakistan)In-person
- Joris LarikLeiden University (Netherlands)In-person