Nuclear Arsenals and Furthering Nuclear Disarmament
- Conflict Prevention and Mediation
- Disarmament
- Peace and Security
Panel Abstract
The nuclear regime of the Cold War was based on the belief in MAD (mutually assured destruction) between the United States (US) and the Soviet Union. The end of the Cold War prompted the US and Russia to reduce the size of their nuclear arsenals just to the point where MAD is expected to function. However, with the emergence of China as a major nuclear power, it has become extremely difficult to evaluate the logic of MAD. Now the irony is that the logic of non-proliferation of nuclear arms during the Cold War has become the theoretical base for nuclear proliferation for states such as North Korea and Iran. The nuclear arms race has thus resumed in the 21st century, involving a larger number of countries. It is the responsibility of scholars to elaborate an effective alternative to MAD to manage nuclear arsenals in the different world from the age of Cold War. Linking the other SDGs to the entrance point of Goal 16 to enhance the base of sustainable peace. Under this condition concrete policy concepts may be articulated for a dialogue and negotiations among stakeholders and the roles to be played by various existing mechanisms may be explored. The first step may be the report of the UN Secretary General (SG),” Securing Our Common Future”. For this path to be taken, what are the initial steps in relation to SDGs? How do we advance the process as proposed by the SG as above by linking it to SDGs?
- Korean Academic Council on the UN System (KACUNS)
"Discussions over nuclear disarmament at the United Nations General Assembly"
- Naoto TsuzakiRitsumeikan University (Japan)
"The Paradox of Pyongyang's Nuclear Deterrence Strategy"
- Jihwan HwangUniversity of Seoul (Korea)Virtual
"Striking a balance between strategic stability and reassurance"
- Kuyoun ChungKangwon National University (Korea)Virtual
"Securing Our Sustainable Future: the Role of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for Nuclear Disarmament"
- Maiko TakeuchiWaseda University (Japan)In-person
- Takahiro ShinyoJapan Association for United Nations Studies (JAUNS) and Kwansei Gakuin University (Japan)Virtual
- Jaewoo ChooKyung Hee University (Korea)