June 24, 10:30 - 12:00 CEST
Hybrid - Room A1B & Online
CONNECT ONLINERoundtable: Global Policy Dialogue
Plenary Dialogue: Countdown to the 2023 Summit of the Future
- Governance
- International Institutions
- International Law
Speakers and Discussants
- Lise GrandePresident and CEO of the US Institute of PeaceIn-person
- Danilo TürkClub de Madrid and High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism (Slovenia)In-person
- David MaloneUnited Nations University (Japan)In-person
- Ambassador Flavio DamicoPermanent Representative of Brazil to the UN Disarmament Convention and Chair of the UN's Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons
- Richard PonzioStimson Center (United States)In-person
- Adriana AbdenurPlataforma CIPÓ (Brazil)In-person